Water Quality Planning

CAG works directly with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) as a stakeholder throughout the region to protect water quality and champion environmental issues.  Under funding assistance through ADEQ, CAG is responsible for administering Section 208 of the Clean Water Act for Gila and Pinal Counties by conducting the public process for 208 amendments.  Responsibilities include technical review of wastewater facility plans, public participation, and technical assistance to local governments for water quality control issues.  This important program is the first indicator of new development within the region, and creates a pathway for future population centers, and commercial and industrial development and job growth.  CAG provides liaison services between the region and ADEQ, maintains an active role in state planning groups, protects drinking water supply, and provides regional awareness of environmental issues.    

For Water Quality Planning questions or amendments, please contact Steve Abraham at (480) 474-9300 or via email sabraham@cagaz.org